Women in the Trucking Industry

When Considering the US Employment, women make up 47% of the entire workforce. Astonishingly, when it comes to women in trucking the numbers seem to be minuscule in comparison. Recent trends show that the historic gender norms in trucking are fading fast, as the expansion of e-Commerce and distribution has created a boom in the labor market. With record-low unemployment, employers are having to look outside of their traditional labor pools for every role in the supply chain, especially for drivers, hence turning to women.

The Costs of Trucking

Over the past decade the cost of trucking has been rising and it does not look like it will slow down anytime soon. In order to be profitable, one should manage these variations in operating costs. First and foremost, one must be aware of what these costs are, and then what solutions can help to minimize the impact they have on the bottom line. Especially when trucking companies are closing down abruptly at a rate never seen or heard before.

A Guide to Purchasing a Big Rig

Buying a big rig can be difficult for small businesses due to the high initial cost involved in it. Buying it is not much of a problem, but the cost of its maintenance is the thing to worry about. The main costs to consider are gas mileage and tires etc. First of all, it is vital for you to make sure that you are aware of what is best for your company.

Trucking – A Herculean and Mental Job for Drivers

The Herculean task of long-haul trucking befalls drivers, with the physical and mental taxation on their bodies and minds in having to steer valuable cargo for thousands of miles in a given ride. Along with this comes the disruption of their family lives extending this load to many more lives, many times over. We have taken the time to write this article with the intention to shed some light and further insight in to this topic. We hope we can do justice as it is of utmost significance. It’s a code Red.

Why You Should Get Professional Maintenance for Your Big Rig

The most important thing in a trucker’s life is the Big Rig. It is the most essential and expensive component of his business. It is entirely true to say that truckers should do everything possible to keep the condition of their truck up to the mark.

Laws and Regulations in Big Rig Trucking

Trucking Laws and Regulations governing the Multi-Billion Dollar Industry.

Laws and regulations give structure to the society we live. Nearly everything we do is governed by some set of rules. There are rules for games, for social clubs, for sports and for adults in the workplace. There are also rules executed by morality and custom that play an imperative part in telling us what we ought to and ought not to do. However, some rules, those made by the state or the courts are called "laws". Laws resemble morality because they are designed to control or alter our behavior.

Pulling Back the Curtain on Visors of Big Rigs

We have all been there before - trucking down the open road when our arms shoot up too slowly to block the piercing sunlight from stabbing our eyes. Seems like the factory model just doesn’t cut it. It doesn’t matter if you wear shades and just want a cool, new look for your truck or you’re more safety conscious and need to keep your windshield clear - rain or shine - every haul is easier with an aftermarket visor.